
Our Portfolio Manifests our Reach and Passion

CRM - Risk balance app (Laravel)

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About the Customer

A customer is a group of members working on CRM services and processes. The service providers are more realistic and work on a segmented group of customers with targeted consulting who best meet their needs. The company believes in the idea of innovative Technologies that implies best on transforming, companies, careers, and opportunities. The core values include making decisions, taking actions, and sales communication to build an ideal CRM platform.


CRM - Risk balance app is an application for a smart sales team to manage the company's interaction with existing and potential customers.
It handles a broad set of features like automate sales, centralize customer data, and operate business processes. The chat feature of the application provides instant support to any technical issues during the integration or installation of the software. The most critical part is to acknowledge the privacy of customer’s data and handle the security front.


We have gathered outstanding CRM solutions and resulting in the product CRM - Risk balance app. Our expert team members have put top-most services to create, assign, and manage requests by the customers. The dashboard provides a suite of tools to track campaigns, marketing, and conduct sales process from lead conversion. The modules of the analytical system and operational system address specific issues on customer behavior. We have tried to make things simple just by asking the basic information of contacts and leads.


The application follows the best CRM criteria out of the dozens to make it worth considering. It is flexible enough to work CRM that match your requirements for professional services. The user can get 360-degree customer details from email, spreadsheets, social media, and reviews in one place. On integrating the CRM - Risk balance app, you are allowed to get a single shared view of the customer interaction and attracting more buyers towards personalized marketing strategy.

Technology used
Type Website
Web Server Apache
Programming language Laravel
Database Management server MySql
Architecture MVC
Client Technology Javascript, jQuery
Version Control GIT

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